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UBV stellar photometry of bright stars in GC M5 – II. Physical parameters of horizontal branch stars
Authors:P.V. Baev  H. Markov  N. Spassova
Affiliation:1Merrowinger str. 10, D-40223 Düsseldorf, Germany;2National Astronomical Observatory 'Rozhen', Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, PO Box 136, BG-4700 Smoljan, Bulgaria;3Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tsarigradsko ch., BG-1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract:The physical parameters of the stars in the central region of the globular cluster M5 (NGC 5904) were determined from UBV photometry using Kurucz's synthetic flux distributions and some empirical relations. It is found that the bluest horizontal branch (HB) stars have higher luminosities than predicted by canonical zero-age horizontal branch models. Parameters of the mass distribution on the HB stars are determined. It is shown that the gap in the blue HB previously reported by Markov et al. in Paper I is probably a statistical fluctuation.
Keywords:stars: evolution    stars: horizontal branch    stars: Population II    globular clusters: general    globular clusters: individual:    eqmu1"   alt="  "  >   5904
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