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引用本文:汪德根,陆林,陈田,刘昌雪,凌善金,蔚治国. 呼伦贝尔-阿尔山旅游区空间组织[J]. 地理研究, 2006, 25(1): 161-170
作者姓名:汪德根  陆林  陈田  刘昌雪  凌善金  蔚治国
摘    要:运用最近邻分析法研究内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔-阿尔山旅游区旅游资源的空间分布状态,并以海拉尔市和阿尔山市为中心的空间点分布集聚性更为明显的A、B两个团簇为典型研究对象,分析A、B簇区的旅游资源特征与旅游活动类型逻辑关系、旅游地边际效用和旅游活动空间行为模式,并根据建筑学剖视图原理,运用“使用者温度计量”模式分析旅游地资源特征与目标细分市场游客偏好之间的紧密程度,通过有效组织强关联度的旅游活动实现A簇区和B簇区旅游资源开发。研究表明,最近邻分析模式、旅游地边际效用分析以及“使用者温度计量”模式为区域旅游活动空间组织提供了参考依据。

关 键 词:空间组织  最近邻分析法  "  使用者温度计量"  模式  呼伦贝尔-阿尔山旅游区

Spatial organization analysis of tourism region in Hulun Buir-Aershan
WANG De-gen,LU Lin,CHEN Tian,LIU Chang-xue,LING Shan-jin,YU Zhi-guo. Spatial organization analysis of tourism region in Hulun Buir-Aershan[J]. Geographical Research, 2006, 25(1): 161-170
Authors:WANG De-gen  LU Lin  CHEN Tian  LIU Chang-xue  LING Shan-jin  YU Zhi-guo
Affiliation:1. College of Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China; 2. Tourism Department of Suzhou University, Suzhou, 215021, China; 3. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China; 4. Management Department of Suzhou Vocational College, Suzhou 215019, China; 5. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Tourism Bureau, Huhhot 010010, China
Abstract:Spatial analysis has been an important field of study in tourism geography.When this field has been researched since the early 1970s in foreign countries,it didn't emerge as a significant field of tourism study until the late 1980s in China.At present,tourist spatial analyses in China encompass researches on tourist spatial behavior,spatial allocation of tourism region,spatial relationship of tourist supply and demand,spatial structure of tourist market,tourist spatial competition and cooperation,etc.However,studies on spatial organization of tourist activities based on nearest-neighbour analysis,the marginal utility of the tourist destinations and the model of "thermometrical users" have not emerged so far.This research paper aims at an indepth study of tourist spatial organization,based on nearest-neighbour analysis,the marginal utility of the tourist destinations and the model of "thermometrical users",together with related theories from Geography,Tourism,Economics,and Architecture.This paper applies nearest-neighbour analysis to analyze the spatial distribution of tourist resources in tourism region of Hulun Buir-Aershan.And it takes cluster A and B(Hailar and Aershan as center) as the objective of research project,which have a discernible density of point "collection",to analyze the logical relation of their characteristics of resource and the type of tourist activities.From the perspective of economics,the paper analyzes the implications and the mathematic modal of marginal utility theory of tourist destinations,and it is certainly possible to realize spatial organization of tourist activities between clusters A and B with the modal of marginal utility theory.According to the theory of the architectural diagrams of the section elevation form,the paper applies the model of "thermometrical users" to analyze the congruent degree between the site attribution and the tourist presences expressed by the target tourist segments,to organize the tourist activities effectively and exploit the various tourist products.Based on the study,the model of nearest-neighbour analysis,the marginal utility of the tourist destinations and the model of "thermometrical users" are not only the ideal methods of spatial analysis,but also a consultant basis for spatial organization of tourist activities in regional tourism.
Keywords:spatial organization,nearest-neighbour analysis,model of "  thermometrical users"  ,tourism region in Hulun Buir-Aershan
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