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Testing links between river patterns and in-channel characteristics using MRPP and ANOVA
Authors:Leif M. Burge  
Affiliation:Department of Geography and Program in Planning, University of Toronto, 100 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Abstract:This study tests the assumption that the characteristics of channels within multiple channel rivers are different from those of single channel rivers. Some river restoration approaches propose radical transformation of river patterns, from multiple to single channels, based on the link between river patterns and their in-channel characteristics. Determining the links between river patterns and their in-channel characteristics is complicated by differences in geology, history, climate and discharge among rivers. Furthermore, multiple channel rivers are composed of a mosaic of channel types with a range of in-channel characteristics. This study minimizes these problems by analysing a single river containing neighbouring single and multiple channel patterns with little change in discharge downstream, and by analysing all channel types. The study addressed two objectives: to determine the hydraulic geometry, energy, and sediment mobility characteristics of neighbouring single and multiple channel river patterns, and to test for statistical differences in these characteristics between patterns. The Renous River shows a wandering pattern for 11.5 km, with multiple channels around semipermanent islands and abandoned channels in the flood plain. The river displays a single channel river pattern where channels are confined by their valley walls, upstream and downstream of wandering. The analysis was conducted at three scales. First, the confined single channel and wandering multiple channel patterns were compared (pattern scale). Second, the confined channel pattern was compared to single and multiple channel sections within the wandering pattern (section scale). Third, all channel types were compared (channel type scale). Multi response permutation procedure (MRPP) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze differences between channels. Difference tests found no simple discrimination between the single and multiple channel river patterns of the Renous River. Tests between the single confined and multiple wandering channel patterns found few differences in the in-channel variables. The tests did find differences between multiple channel sections within the wandering pattern and confined single channels; however, a greater number of differences were found between multiple channel and single channel sections within the wandering pattern, highlighting the variability within the wandering pattern. Two groups emerged when all channel types were tested for differences: perennial main-channels containing the thalweg, and ephemeral side-channels. Therefore, side-channels define the in-channel characteristics of wandering rivers because few differences were found among main-channels in either pattern. This analysis suggests that all channel types, not just main-channels, should be investigated to obtain a complete picture of a river pattern prior to any restoration efforts. Engineers must exercise caution when applying the link between river patterns and in-channel characteristics to river restoration efforts.
Keywords:Wandering river   Confined river   Gravel-bed river   Side-channel   Multiple channel   River restoration
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