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Indian Monsoon Signals Reflected by the Ratio of Cl- to Na+ in Dasuopu Ice Core From Xixiabangma, Himalayas
Authors:Wang Ninglian  et al
In 1996,two shallow ice cores were drilled at 7100m ASL. on the Dasuopu Glacier in the Xixiabangma in the middle Himalayas.Analytical results i ndicated that Cl - and Na concentrations showed seasonal variations,and there was a very good relation between them,which reflects that the moisture at the drilling site mainly came from oceans.An interesting phenomenon was that the changes in the ratio of Cl - to Na in these cores might be associated with Indian summer monsoon rainfall in recent years (Fig.1).
Keywords:the ratio of Cl -to Na   seasonal variations  Dasuopu i ce core  Xixiabangma  the middle Himalayas
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