Abstract: | ![]() The Tertiary basins are distributed in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau along the large|scale arc|shaped strike|slip belt of the Qiangtang—Hengduan Shan—Jinshajiang—Red River belt. Most of basins were controlled by regional northwest| and south|north treading faults, and a few basins were constrained by northwest| or north|north|east|treading local faults.The detailed field mapping and sedimentologic observations for 6 typical Tertiary basins in eastern Tibet show that their types include depressive basins, rifting basins, pull|apart and extensional basins related to strike|slip faulting, and erosion|residual basins. Recently, most of them are controlled by compression| or thrust|related margin faults in single side or double laterals of these basins. Not|well|developed strata in the Tertiary basins were deformed to form various tight folds and thrusts. High|K magma intruded widely into the basins. The tectono|sedimentary evolution of the Tertiary basins appears tempo|spatially inhomogeneous. The preliminary model to interpret the Tertiary basin evolution is described as below. |