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Test of a differential photometer for extinction gradient correction in full-disk helioseismology
Affiliation:1.Dépaitement d'Astrophysique, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, 06108, Nice Cédex 02, France
;2.Dépaitement de Physique, Faculté des Sciences Ain-Chock, Maarif. Km 8, Route d'El-Jadida, B.P. 5366, Casablanca 02, Maroc

The ground based full disk velocity Doppler measurements used in helioseismology suffer from an atmospheric noise component when the sky transparency is not perfect. It is due to the non uniform integration of the line of sight component of the solar rotation produced by the differential atmospheric extinction across the direction of the solar equator. A simple two-channel differential photometer is proposed for measuring this differential extinction. The first laboratory tests of this instrument show that it has the capability of performing the required correction without adding a significant level of new instrumental noise contribution.

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