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引用本文:赵莹,柴彦威,陈洁,马修军. 时空行为数据的GIS分析方法[J]. 地理与地理信息科学, 2009, 25(5)
作者姓名:赵莹  柴彦威  陈洁  马修军
作者单位:1. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京,100871
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101
3. 北京大学信息科学技术学院,北京,100871
摘    要:基于时间地理学的概念模型,建立时空路径分析的GIS数据模型,并通过GIS三维可视化工具,实现了个体时空路径的三维可视化.运用2007年北京城市居民日常活动调查数据,对所提出的数据模型和方法进行实验.结果表明,时空行为数据的GIS分析方法有效地集成了GIS的空间分析和三维可视化功能,为人类时空行为数据的直观表现和分析提供了有效的技术手段.最后,讨论和展望了时空行为数据GIS分析方法的研究方向.

关 键 词:时空行为  三维可视化  时间地理学  时空路径

GIS-Based Analyzing Method for Spatial-Temporal Behavior Data
ZHAO Ying,CHAI Yan-wei,CHEN Jie,MA Xiu-jun. GIS-Based Analyzing Method for Spatial-Temporal Behavior Data[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2009, 25(5)
Authors:ZHAO Ying  CHAI Yan-wei  CHEN Jie  MA Xiu-jun
Affiliation:ZHAO Ying1,CHAI Yan-wei1,CHEN Jie2,MA Xiu-jun3(1.College of Urban , Environmental Science,Peking University,Beijing 100871,2.Institute of Geographic Sciences , Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,3.School of Electronics , Computer Science,China)
Abstract:Time geography is a powerful conceptual framework for understanding constraints on human activity participation in space and time.Geo-visualization is an important approach to study spatial-temporal behavior.In this paper,the conceptual model of time geography is discussed first and data modeling of space-time path is built up.Next,a platform of mining temporal-spatial behavior patterns in ArcGIS environment is founded and 3D visualization of space-time path at individual level is realized.The capability of...
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