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引用本文:陶本藻 施闯 等. 顾及系统误差的平差模型研究[J]. 测绘学院学报, 2002, 19(2): 79-81
作者姓名:陶本藻 施闯 等
作者单位:[1]武汉大学测绘科技与技术学院,湖北武汉430079 [2]武汉大学GPS工程研究中心,湖北武汉430079
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(40 0 0 40 0 1),国家攀登计划"现代地壳运动的空间监测技术和资料处理方法研究
摘    要:在高精度测量中,利用平差模型从整体上对系统误差予以补偿和消除的理论研究已日益被关注,从国内外文献看,一般均着重于研究附加系统参数平差模型的理论和应用,考虑到系统误差源的复杂性,文中提出了附加系统权平差模型,附加系统参数和系统权平差模型。导出了平差公式和假设检验的统计量,附加系统参数模型是将系统误差影响归入函数模型,附加系统权模型是将系统误差影响归为随机模型,两者混合模型则是将系统误差影响分别归入函数模型和随机模型,这样就形成了顾及系统误差的平差模型体系。附加系统权平差模型涉及到系统方差估计这一难题,文中提出了按概率分布置信域的思想由最大误差估计系统方差的方法。

关 键 词:系统误差 平差模型 系统参数 系统权 系统方差的估计

Research on Adjustment Model with Systematical Error
TAO Ben zao ,SHI Chuang ,YAO Yi bin. Research on Adjustment Model with Systematical Error[J]. Journal of Institute of Surveying and Mapping, 2002, 19(2): 79-81
Authors:TAO Ben zao   SHI Chuang   YAO Yi bin
Affiliation:TAO Ben zao 1,SHI Chuang 2,YAO Yi bin 1
Abstract:In the high precise surveying, the theoretical research of compensating or eliminating systematical error with adjustment model are studied progressively. The recently study pay more attention to the theory and application of adjustment model with additional systematical parameter. Considering the complexity of source of systematical error, some new adjustment models are given: the adjustment model with additional systematical weight, the adjustment model with additional systematical parameter and additional systematical weight and the adjustment model with additional random systematical parameter, the adjustment formula and the statistic for proof test are also given. The essential of the adjustment model with additional systematical parameter is vesting the influence of systematical error to numerical model, but the adjustment model with additional systematical weight vest the influence of systematical error to stochastic model, the other two adjustment model vest the influence of systematical error to numerical model and stochastic model, so a set of adjustment theory system with systematical error are established. The adjustment model with additional systematical weight related to the estimation of systematical veriance, this is a difficulty, in this paper, the method of estimating systematical variance by maximal error are discussed.
Keywords:systematical error  adjustment model  systematical parameter  systematical weight  estimation of systematical variance  
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