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引用本文:李扬鉴 张星亮. 大陆层控构造论盆-山系与造山带成因及演化新模式[J]. 化工矿产地质, 1996, 18(3): 149-155
作者姓名:李扬鉴 张星亮
摘    要:大陆构造以受中地壳塑性层控制的盆-山系和冲叠造山带厚皮构造为主要构造类型,而与中生代以来才出现的受软流层控制的大洋岩石圈板块构造截然不同。由上地壳正断层上盘断陷盆地和下盘断隆山所组成的盆-山系,与地球自转速度逐渐变慢派生不同性质水平力和重力的共同作用有关。当地球自转速度突然变化时,将派生强烈的侧压力,使升降幅度较大、具有侧向应变空间的断陷盆地与断隆山之间的上地壳发生冲叠运动,盆-山系由此演变成冲叠造山带。后者对前者存在着严格的继承关系,服从于“升降-冲叠律”。中生代以来的盆-山系和冲叠造山带有的是板块活动产物

关 键 词:层控构造盆  山系冲叠造山带升降  冲叠律厚皮构造

Abstract:The earth has a structure of concentric rims which, despite their prominent horizontal inhomogeneities, tend to be controlled by the underlying plastic rims at different levels, as a result, leading to a serise of corresponding layer controlled structures. These structures are characteristic of multi leveling, generally taking basin range systems and thrust lap belts, both controlled by the plastic middle crust, as principal modes of their movements.They show a complete contrast with the plate structures of the simply rigid oceanic crusts governed by the rheosphere. Owing to progressively dilating and being impacted constandtly by meteoritic bodies, the earth has been rotating more and more slowly, the day number of a year decreasing to today’s 365 from the Cambrian period’s 424. The speed lowing rotation caused latitudinal shearing forces and polar orienting compressive forces which, taking the plastic middle crust as strain space and combining with the gravitation of the upper crust, brought about within it large numbers of EW trending normal faults and NE or NW trending compressoshear normal faults. So, on the downthrown sides of the faults emerged block basins while on the upthrown sides did block ranges, both jointly making up a serise of basin range systems. Later, when strong meridional compression associated with intensive fluctuation in the earth’s rotation caused the crust to large scale uplift, these basin range structures would take full use of their ready lateral strain spaces to thrust and lapped between the block basins and the block ranges, finally transforming into thrust lap orogenic belts. These two styles of tectonic regimes are of inheritance in evolution, extremely abiding by “a law of up vs down-thrust vs lap”. Their tectonic levels and genetic mechanisms are in no way comparable to those of the trench arc basin systems and collision orogenic belts in plate tectonics. Under thermal and gravitational conditions, the earth would have its concentric rims differentiated to a point that rheorims are able to take place.During the Premesozoic times, however, it did not differentiate thoroughgoing and significantly, consequently, leading to small uncomplete anomalous mantels, preeugeosyncline block basins and no seafloor spreading related oceanic crusts. Unfortunately, all these arguements have not yet been recognized by the holders of plate theory. This does not mean other than that with a multi dynamic, multilevel and multistage look into the earth’s tectonic evolution,the hypothesis of continental layer controlled structures will certainly replace the classical plate theory, standing as a new theoretical foundation for the geological circle to review continental geology.
Keywords:layer contralled structure   basin mountain system   thrust lap orogen
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