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Structure and neotectonics of the western Santa Ynez fault system in southern California
Authors:Arthur G. Sylvester  Arthur C. Darrow
Abstract:Geologic, geomorphic and seismologic data indicate that west of Lake Cachuma the Santa Ynez fault branches into several major W- and NW-trending splay faults. Two of the faults bracket the wedge-shaped Santa Maria basin. The most compelling evidence for the existence of these two faults is the fact that the Santa Maria basin is floored by Franciscan basement overlain only by Miocene and younger sedimentary rocks, whereas across the inferred traces of each of these faults, the adjacent terrains consist of Franciscan basement overlain by thick sequences of Early Tertiary strata, as well as by Miocene and younger rocks. The third splay fault strikes northwestward through the central Santa Maria basin. Narrow zones of tightly appressed, left-stepping en-echelon folds are locally adjacent to the faults along the south edge, and through the center of the basin. The geometrical arrangement of these folds is indicative of formation over buried sinistral wrench faults. Evidence for Holocene surface rupturing is lacking or nebulous at best, but epicenters of damaging historical earthquakes are spatially, and by inference, genetically related to the central Santa Maria basin faults, indicating that they comprise the presently active strands among the several splay faults.
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