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Pressure-Temperature Evolution of a Late Palaeozoic Paired Metamorphic Belt in North-Central Chile (34{degrees}-35{degrees}30'S)
Abstract:In the Chilean Coastal Cordillera, two units, the Western andEastern Series, constitute coeval parts of a Late Palaeozoicpaired metamorphic belt dominated by siliciclastic metasediments.The Western Series also contains rocks from the upper oceaniccrust and represents an accretionary prism. Omnipresent high-pressureconditions are reflected by Na–Ca-amphibole and phengitein greenschists. Peak PT conditions of 7·0–9·3kbar, 380–420°C point to a metamorphic gradient of11–16°C/km. Three unique occurrences of blueschistyield deviating conditions of 9·5–10·7 kbar,350–385°C and are interpreted as relics from the lowermostpart of the basal accretion zone preserving the original gradientof 9–11°C/km along the subducting slab. Pervasiveductile deformation related to basal accretion occurred nearpeak PT conditions. Deformation and PT evolution of the metapsammopeliticrocks is similar to that of the metabasites. However, a raregarnet mica-schist yields peak PT conditions of 9·6–14·7kbar, 390–440°C reflecting a retrograde stage aftercooling from a high-temperature garnet-forming stage. It isconsidered to be an exhumed relic from the earliest siliciclasticrocks subducted below a still hot mantle wedge. A retrogradeoverprint of all rock types occurred at ~300–380°C.Continuous reactions caused crystal growth and recrystallizationwith abundant free water mostly under strain-free conditions.They record a pressure release of 3–4 kbar without erasingpeak metamorphic mineral compositions. The Eastern Series lacksmetabasite intercalations and represents a less deformed retro-wedgearea. In the study area it was entirely overprinted at a uniformdepth at 3 ± 0·5 kbar with temperatures progressivelyrising from 400°C to 720°C towards the coeval Late Palaeozoicmagmatic arc batholith. The interrelated pattern of PT datapermits a conceptual reconstruction of the fossil convergentmargin suggesting a flat subduction angle of ~25° with continuousbasal accretion at a depth of 25–40 km and a short mainintrusion pulse in the magmatic arc. The latter was accompaniedby the formation of a thermal dome in the retro-wedge area,which remained stable relative to the vertically growing accretionaryprism characterized by cyclic mass flow. KEY WORDS: paired metamorphic belt; greenschist; blueschist; central Chile; thermobarometry
Keywords:: paired metamorphic belt   greenschist   blueschist   central Chile   thermobarometry
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