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Accelerating Oil and Gas Exploration in Western China by Studies of Formations of Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Superimposed Basins—A Preface
作者姓名:PANG Xiongqi
作者单位:State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting,China University of Petroleunm Beijing 1022492;Basin and Reservoir Research Center,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249 
摘    要:
<正>The superimposed basins in the western region of China are a hot research topic for earth scientists home and abroad for their vast area and rich oil and gas resources.Their complex geological conditions and resultant great exploration difficulties have received much attention of the scientists.This issue presents the advances of several scholars in their long-term research on the mechanisms of oil and gas accumulation and the patterns of oil and gas distribution.These studies are part of the National 973 Project entitled "Mechanism of Oil and Gas Accumulation and

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