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Diterpenoid compounds and other lipids in deep-sea sediments and their geochemical significance
Authors:Bernd R.T Simoneit
Affiliation:Organic Geochemistry Unit, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 ITS, England
Abstract:Cyclic diterpenoid compounds have been found by various investigators in the geosphere (e.g. fossil resins, coals, soil, shale and deep-sea sediments). These compounds occur in significant amounts only in higher plants and are therefore potential markers of terrigenous plant lipids.Diterpenoids with the abietane skeleton (mainly dehydroabietic acid) have been identified in the lipids of sediment samples from the northeast Pacific Ocean, Black Sea and North Atlantic Ocean. The presence of these resin-derived compounds correlated with the terrigenous clay components and with the presence of pollen. The presence of polycyclic diterpenoids was also correlated with the distribution patterns and inferred sources of other sediment lipid constituents (e.g. n-alkanes, n-fatty acids, etc.).Potamic transport, followed by turbidite redistribution are the probable input mechanisms of these resin-derived compounds to the deep-sea sediments. These diterpenoids appear to be excellent biological markers of resinous higher plants.
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