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Fractionation of dissolved organic matter affected by polyvalent metal cations
Authors:Klaus Kaiser
Affiliation:Institute of Soil Science and Soil Geography, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany
Abstract:The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of polyvalent cations known to form complexes with natural organic substances on the operational fractionation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) using XAD-8 adsorber resin. Dissolved organic matter solutions from a forest floor were treated with increasing concentrations of polyvalent metal cations (Ca2+, Al3+, Fe3+) at different pH levels. Then the concentrations of total dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the distribution between hydrophilic and hydrophobic DOC were determined. The concentrations of total DOC decreased slightly when the C/metal ratio was less than 10, especially for Al and Fe. Hydrophilic DOC increased and hydrophobic DOC decreased with increasing concentrations of metal cations. Effects increased in the order Ca
Keywords:Fractionation   Organic compounds   Positive ions   Reduction   Concentration (process)   pH   Dissolved organic matter   Polyvalent metal cations   Dissolved organic carbon
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