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Sur la présence d'une série molassique (de type série pourprée) au Sud-Est de l'Ahaggar (In Guezzam,Ahaggar, Algérie)Presence of molassic series (‘Série pourprée’ type) in the Southeast of the Ahaggar (In Guezzam,Ahaggar, Algeria)
Authors:Hamou Djellit  Bernard Henry  Mohamed E.M Derder
Affiliation:1. CRAAG, BP 63, Bouzaréah, 16340 Alger, Algérie;2. « Géomagnétisme et paléomagnétisme », institut de physique du Globe de Paris & CNRS, 4, av. de Neptune, 94107 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France
Abstract:In the western Ahaggar shield, the transition between the Precambrian and the Ordovician units is characterised by thick volcano-sedimentary series (‘Série pourprée’ of the Ahnet). This series, in part of Cambrian age, results from the demolition of the Panafrican belt. Similar series were known in grabens located between the West African craton and the Ahaggar, from the ‘Adrar des Iforas’, in the south, to the Ougarta belt, in the north. We describe in this study a new formation identical to the ‘Série pourprée’ of the Ahnet, but cropping out in the far Southeast of the Ahaggar (In Guezzam). This new datum improves the Panafrican belt configuration. To cite this article: H. Djellit et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 789–794.
Keywords:Ahaggar  In Guezzam  ‘Série pourprée’  Panafrican Belt  Ahaggar  In Guezzam  cha??ne Panafricaine
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