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Genesis of a mottled horizon by Fe-depletion within a laterite cover in the Amazon BasinGenèse d'un horizon tacheté par déferruginisation dans une couverture à latérite du Bassin amazonien
Authors:Vania Rosolen  Mathieu Lamotte  René Boulet  Jean Trichet  Olivier Rouer  Adolpho José Melfi
Affiliation:1. Universidade de São Paulo, NUPEGEL, USP / ESALQ, CP 9, 13418-900 Piracicaba SP, Brazil;2. IRD, 32, avenue Henri-Varagnat, 93143 Bondy cedex, France;3. UMR ISTO, université d''Orléans–CNRS, UFR de sciences–géologie, BP 6959, 45067 Orléans cedex 02, France
Abstract:A mottled horizon in a laterite cover (without any duricrust) was studied by microscopy and quantitative chemical microanalysis. Apart from the voids, light red spots consisting of Fe-rich particles (≈2 μm) are set in clayey plasma. Dark red spots consisted of concentrations of Fe-rich particles. These patterns are inherited. On the border of structural or biological voids, where Fe-depletion features are systematic, gray or yellow spots result from dissolution of the Fe-rich particles and impregnation of the plasma by iron, respectively. The present Fe-depletion is the dominant process that explains the mottled differentiation and the absence of lateritic duricrust. To cite this article: V. Rosolen et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 187–195.
Keywords:microscopy  scanning electron microscopy  quantitative chemical microprobe  iron  plinthic Cambisol  Brazil  microscopie  microscopie électronique à balayage  microsonde chimique quantitative  fer  cambisol plinthique  Brésil  Géosciences de surface  Pédologie  Surface Geosciences  Pedology
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