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Une carte gravimétrique haute résolution du massif du Mont-Blanc : implications structuralesA high-resolution gravity map of the Mont-Blanc massif: structural consequences
Authors:Frédéric Masson  Frédérick Gal  Philippe-Hervé Leloup
Affiliation:1. Laboratoire de géophysique, tectonique et sédimentologie, université Montpellier-2–CNRS, CC060, 4, place Eugène-Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier cedex 05, France;2. Institut de physique du Globe, 4, place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France
Abstract:We performed a gravity survey in the Mont-Blanc and Aiguilles Rouges ranges in order to improve the gravity data coverage of the Alpine crystalline external ranges, and to constrain the deep geometry of a crustal scale thrust. Preliminary results allow us to propose a geometry for the deep structure of the ranges, taking into account a major reverse fault that bounds the Mont-Blanc range: the Mont-Blanc shear zone. To cite this article: F. Masson et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1011–1019.
Keywords:Alps  gravimetry  crustal thrusting  Alpes  gravimétrie  chevauchement crustal  Géophysique interne  Internal Geophysics
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