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Tectonic deformation and recrystallisation of oligoclase
Authors:S. White
Affiliation:1. Departments of Geology and Metallurgy, Royal School of Mines Imperial College, London
Abstract:Naturally deformed and partially recrystallised oligoclase porphyroclasts were studied in a high voltage electron microscope. The oligoclases had a highly deformed outer mantle zone, which contained high densities of dislocations and albite and pericline deformation twins, and less deformed cores containing fewer dislocations and albite twins but no pericline deformation twins. There was little evidence for recovery; apparently the internal strain energy due to deformation was relieved by recrystallisation. Strain free nuclei developed in areas with the highest defect densities. The resultant new grains had a lower anorthite content than their parents. It is suggested that the recrystallisation processes were aided by strain enhanced diffusion.
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