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闽西南玮埔岩体和赣南菖蒲混合岩锆石La ICPMS U-Pb年代学
引用本文:徐先兵,张岳桥,舒良树,贾东,王瑞瑞,许怀智. 闽西南玮埔岩体和赣南菖蒲混合岩锆石La ICPMS U-Pb年代学[J]. 地质论评, 2009, 55(2): 277-285
作者姓名:徐先兵  张岳桥  舒良树  贾东  王瑞瑞  许怀智
摘    要:
闽西玮埔岩体和赣南菖蒲混合岩位于武夷山构造带南部地区。对NNE向展布的闽西玮埔岩体两个样品进行了锆石LaICPMS U-Pb 测年,获得的年龄为447.1±4.7Ma和440.8±3.4Ma,证明这个岩体不是原来认为的印支期花岗岩,而属于加里东岩体。赣南菖蒲混合岩发育于罗浮岩体的北侧,早期将罗浮岩体归于燕山早期岩体。对混合岩进行的锆石LaICPMS U-Pb 测年,获得的年龄为445.9±3.8Ma,确定这个岩体为加里东期。这些新的高精度年龄学数据为武夷山加里东构造运动时限和性质提供了精确约束。

关 键 词:闽西南玮埔岩体;赣南菖蒲混合岩;LaICPMS测年;加里东运动;武夷山

Zircon La ICPMS U-Pb Dating of the Weipu Granitic Pluton in Southwest Fujian and the Changpu Migmatite in South Jiangxi: Constrains to the Timing of Caledonian Movement in Wuyi Mountains
The Weipu granitic pluton and the Changpu migmatite are developed in the southern part of the Wuyi tectonic belt, South China. Two rock samples taken from the NNE trending Weipu granitic pluton in southwestern Fujian were dated by zircons La ICPMS U Pb technique. The yield ages (447.1 4.7Ma and 440.8 3.4Ma) confirm that this granitic pluton belongs to the Caledonian in stead of Indosinian. The Changpu migmatite develops along the northern edge of the Luofu granitic pluton previously considered as Early Yanshanian age. One migmatite sample was dated by zircons La ICPMS U Pb methods and yields the age of 445.9 3.8 Ma, confirming that the Luofu granitic pluton might belong to the Caledonian. These high precision dating date provide constrains on the timing and nature of the Caledonian Movement in the Wuyi Mountains.
Keywords:Weipu granitic pluton   Changpu migmatite   La ICPMS dating   Caledonian Movement   Wuyi Mountains
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