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引用本文:邓胜徽,卢远征. 甘肃酒泉盆地早白垩世植物化石及其古气候意义[J]. 地质学报, 2008, 82(1): 104-114
作者姓名:邓胜徽  卢远征
作者单位:1. 中国石油勘探开发科学研究院,北京,100083
2. 中国石油勘探开发科学研究院,北京,100083;中国地质大学,北京,100083
摘    要:
首次较系统报道了产于甘肃酒泉盆地下白垩统的植物化石,分为两个植物组合。Athrotaxites-Solenites组合产于赤金堡组上段,有Solenites luanpingensis Wang,Pityocladus cf.i waianus(ishi)Chow,Pityocladus sp.,Athrotaxites berryi Bell等,时代大致为早白垩世早期,反映潮湿或半干旱半潮湿气候。Brachyphyllum-Pseudofrenelopsis组合见于中沟组上部,包括Sphenopterissp.,Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis(Chowet Tsao)Cao ex Zhou,Cupressinocladus elegans(Chow)Chow,Cupressinocladus sp.,Pagiophyllumyumenense sp.nov.,Pagiophyllumcompressum sp.nov.,Pagiophyllum sp.,Brachyphyllumningshiaense Chow et Tsao,Brachyphyllumobtusum Chow et Tsao,Elatocladus sp.,Podozamites sp.,Carpolithus sp.等12种,时代为Aptian-Albian期,反映干旱型气候。

关 键 词:早白垩世  植物化石  时代  古气候  中国甘肃

Fossil Plants from Lower Cretaceous of the Jiuquan Basin, Gansu, Northwest China and Their Palaeoclimatic Implications
DENG Shenghui,LU Yuanzheng. Fossil Plants from Lower Cretaceous of the Jiuquan Basin, Gansu, Northwest China and Their Palaeoclimatic Implications[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(1): 104-114
Authors:DENG Shenghui  LU Yuanzheng
The Lower Cretaceous flora of the Jiuquan Basin, Gansu of Northwest China, is divided into two assemblages. Assemblage Athrotaxites-Solenites from the upper part of the Chijinpu Formation consists of Solenites luanpingensis Wang, Pityocladus cf. iwaianus (ishi) Chow, Pityocladus sp. and Athrotaxites berryi Bell, which is considered as early Early Cretaceous in age and it reflects humid or semi-humid climate. Assemblage Brachyphyllum-Pseudofrenelopsis from the upper part of the Zhonggou Formation represented by Sphenopteris sp., Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis (Chow et Tsao) Cao ex Zhou, Cupressinocladus elegans (Chow) Chow, Cupressinocladus sp., Pagiophyllum yumenense sp. nov., Pagiophyllum compressum sp. nov., Pagiophyllum sp., Brachyphyllum ningshiaense Chow et Tsao, Brachyphyllum obtusum Chow et Tsao, Elatocladus sp., Podozamites sp. and Carpolithus sp. shows Aptian Albian of Early Cretaceous and indicates arid climate.
Keywords:Lower Cretaceous  fossil plants  age  palaeoclimate  Gansu of Northwest China
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