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引用本文:朱光有,金强,戴金星,张水昌,张林晔,李剑. 东营凹陷沙四中亚段盐湖相烃源岩研究[J]. 高校地质学报, 2004, 10(2): 257-266
作者姓名:朱光有  金强  戴金星  张水昌  张林晔  李剑
作者单位:1. 中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083; 2. 石油大学地球资源与信息学院,山东东营 257061; 3. 中石化胜利油田地质科学研究院,山东东营 257015
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (批准号 :4 0 2 72 0 6 1),“十五”国家重大科技攻关项目 (编号 :2 0 0 1BA6 0 5A0 9)资助
摘    要:东营凹陷下第三系沙河街组沙四中亚段蒸发岩十分发育,其中与泥岩共生的含盐系地层在胜坨南部及中央隆起带等地区厚逾千米。通过大量样品的分析测试和对这套蒸发岩沉积体系的研究,认为沙四中沉积时期湖盆充填呈现出欠补偿的饥饿状态,并建立了深水蒸发成盐的沉积模式。蒸发岩夹层中的深灰色泥岩和页岩的地球化学特征充分体现了盐湖沉积环境标志。高盐环境有利于有机质的富集和保存,沙四中亚段的灰色泥岩和页岩为东营凹陷的一套有效烃源岩。

关 键 词:盐湖  烃源岩  深水蒸发成盐  东营凹陷  沙河街组

Investigation on the Salt Lake Source Rocks for Middle Shasi Column of Dongying Depression
ZHU Guang-you ,JIN Qiang ,DAI Jin-xing ,ZHANG Shui-chang ,ZHANG Lin-ye ,LI Jian. Investigation on the Salt Lake Source Rocks for Middle Shasi Column of Dongying Depression[J]. Geological Journal of China Universities, 2004, 10(2): 257-266
Authors:ZHU Guang-you   JIN Qiang   DAI Jin-xing   ZHANG Shui-chang   ZHANG Lin-ye   LI Jian
Affiliation:1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, CNPC, Beijing 100083, China; 2. College of Georesource and Information, University of Petroleum, Dongying, 257061 China; 3. Geoscience academy, Shengli Oil Field, Dongying, 257015 China
Abstract:Evaporite is well developed in the middle Shasi column of Shahejie Formation,Tertiary system in Dongying Depression,where the thickness of saliferous layers with mudstone exceeds 1000 m in the southern Shengtuo and central rift zone. Analysis of many samples and study on sedimentary system show that the lake basin was in an under-filling condition. A deep water evaporite formation model was established. The geochemical characteristics of dark gray mudstone and shale in evaporite layers record the sedimentary environment of salt lake. The high salt medium is beneficial to organic concentration and preservation. The gray mudstone and shale in middle Shasi column was a kind of high quality source rocks in Dongying Depression.
Keywords:salt lake  source-rock  deep water evaporite  Dongying Depression  Shahejie Formation
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