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引用本文:张阿根 刘毅. 国际地面沉降研究综述[J]. 上海国土资源, 2000, 0(4): 1-7
作者姓名:张阿根 刘毅
作者单位:上海市房屋土地资源管理局,上海市地质调查研究院,上海市地质调查研究院 200072,200072
摘    要:

关 键 词:地面沉降 压缩含水层 地下流体开采 灾害治理

Overview of International Land Subsidence Research
Zhang Agen. Overview of International Land Subsidence Research[J]. Shanghai Land & Resource, 2000, 0(4): 1-7
Authors:Zhang Agen
Based on introduction of the history of the international land subsidence symposium and the Sixth International Symposium on Land Subsidenc ( SISOLS 2000 ) and its proceedings ( Ravenna, Ifaly 24-29 Sept.2000) , the recent research situation of the international land .subsidence divided into the following six parts is overviewed in this paper. The geologic issues of land subsidence include ancient land subsidence,peat sinking, land subsidence due to liquefaction and sea level rise. Fluid removal of land subsidence includes land subsidence and collapse due to pumping groundwater, land subsidence due to gas-extraction, structural damage of u-niform subsidence and compaction of a poorly consolidated quantz-rich reservoir sandstone. Solid extraction of land subsidence includes land subsidence due to non-resolvable solid extraction and one due to resolvable solid extraction. Remedies decision-making of land subsidence includes interventions to safeguard the environlnent of the Venice Lagoon, legal afairs and social decision-making of land subsidence. Measuring and monitoring of land subsidence includes soil and rock compressibility, radioactive marker technique and SAR interferometry, and GPS ang GIS application in land subsidence monitoring. Theory and modeling of land subsidence includes prediction of land subsidence due to withdrawal of groundwater, simulation of land subsidence due to groundwater flowing into mine, time-space land subsidence prediction in mine area, predicgion of land subsidence due to gas-extraction and calculation of land subsidence due to phreatic flctuation.
Keywords:land subsidence   compressibility   aquifer   ground fluid withdrawal   solid extraction   measuring and monitoring   remedy  modeling  
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