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引用本文:敬荣中,鲍光淑,林剑,陈绍裘. 一种基于数据融合的地球物理数据联合反演方法[J]. 地球物理学报, 2004, 47(1): 143-150
作者姓名:敬荣中  鲍光淑  林剑  陈绍裘
作者单位:中南大学信息物理工程学院,长沙 410083
基金项目:广西壮族自治区科技厅青年基金 (0 14 40 0 9)
摘    要:从地球物理反演的基本概念出发,认为地球物理反演是 对实测数据的地球物理属性的理解或解释,多方法的地球物理数据联合反演是一种多传感器 的数据融合. 本文分析了地球物理数据的模糊特性,采用基于语义的模糊化方法,使不同物 理意义和尺度的特征数据及测区的地质和地球物理背景成为一体,结合地球物理专家解释的 方法,利用基于模糊逻辑系统的神经网络实现了融合. 该方法充分利用了各种地球物理探测 数据的全部信息,避免了线性反演的复杂计算;其数据融合的观点,为解决地球物理联合反 演问题提供了新的思路. 通过模拟实验和应用实例验证,该方法是有效的.

关 键 词:联合反演  数据融合  隶属度函数  模糊化  模糊规则  FasART神经网络  

A geophysical integration inversion me thod based on data fusion
JING Rong Zhong BAO Guang Shu LIN Jian CHEN Shao Qiu School of Infor physics and Geomatics Engineering,Central South University,Changsha ,China. A geophysical integration inversion me thod based on data fusion[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2004, 47(1): 143-150
Authors:JING Rong Zhong BAO Guang Shu LIN Jian CHEN Shao Qiu School of Infor physics  Geomatics Engineering  Central South University  Changsha   China
Affiliation:School of Infor physics and Geomatics Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Abstract:The geophysical inversion can be regarded as an understanding or interpretation of geophysical property on the basis of the observed data, while the inversion of multiple geophysical data can be regarded as a fusion of multiple sensor data. The fuzzy features of geophysical data were analyzed. The characteristic data of different physical meaning and scales, and the knowledge of geology and geophysics in the studied area are combined using the method of a uniform linguistic defuzzification. The method integrates the geophysical expert knowledge, and carried out data fusion using fuzzy inferential network. The method makes full use of all information of manifold geophysical data, avoiding the complicated calculation in linear joint inversion, and provides a new idea for the geophysical inversion about the data fusion point of view. It was proved to be effective through modeling test and application in Guyuan.
Keywords:Integration inversion  Data fusion   Membership function   Fuzzification   Fuzzy rule   FasART network
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