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Generation and performance of automated jarosite mineral detectors for visible/near-infrared spectrometers at Mars
Authors:Martha S. Gilmore,Benjamin Bornstein,Rebecca Castañ  o
Affiliation:a Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University, 265 Church St., Middletown, CT 06459, USA
b Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
Abstract:We have developed two automated detectors that can recognize the sulfate mineral jarosite in unknown visible to near-infrared spectra (350-2500 nm). The two detectors are optimized for use within the terrestrial and martian atmospheres. The detectors are built from Support Vector Machines trained using a generative model to create linear mixtures of library mineral spectra. Both detectors performed with an average ∼90% accuracy on laboratory spectra of single minerals and the laboratory and field spectra of rocks collected in a hydrothermal environment. This type of algorithm will contribute to the efficiency of onboard data analysis of landed and orbital visible/near-infrared spectrometers at Mars.
Keywords:Mars, surface   Spectroscopy   Instrumentation   Mineralogy
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