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引用本文:周尚哲,汪耀华,许刘冰,郑本兴. 龙门山古冰川作用[J]. 冰川冻土, 2017, 39(2): 292-298. DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.2017.0033
作者姓名:周尚哲  汪耀华  许刘冰  郑本兴
作者单位:1. 华南师范大学 地理科学学院, 广东 广州 510631;2. 中国科学院 西北生态环境资源研究院, 甘肃 兰州 730000
摘    要:
汶川地震中央区域龙门山主山九顶山海拔4 984 m,山脊北坡有三处成排分布不少规模较小的冰斗-冰川谷地形,恢复当时雪线高度在4 100 m高度。根据其形态保存程度、古今雪线高度差等情况判断,应当是2阶段冰川作用遗存。据气温和降水资料,现在九顶山雪线高度在5 000 m,刚好超出九顶山顶部。故而九顶山3 800 m以上目前处于冰缘环境,石冰川、石环、融冻泥流等冰缘现象比较突出。九顶山不存在更老的冰川作用及其地貌遗存,是青藏高原以东5 000 m上下的高山只是在末次冰期时抬升跨越冰期雪线而发育冰川这一新观点的又一证据,也是青藏高原第四纪晚期剧烈抬升的又一证据。

关 键 词:龙门山  九顶山  古冰川  冰缘地貌  

Past glaciation on the Longmen Shan
ZHOU Shangzhe,WANG Yaohua,XU Liubing,ZHENG Benxing. Past glaciation on the Longmen Shan[J]. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2017, 39(2): 292-298. DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.2017.0033
Authors:ZHOU Shangzhe  WANG Yaohua  XU Liubing  ZHENG Benxing
Affiliation:1. School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China;2. Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
The Jiuding Shan (4 984 rn),as the main range of Longmen Shan and the center high mountain of the Wenchuan Earthquake,present a lot of cirque-hanging valleys of past glaciation on the north slope of the ridge.Based on these glacial landforms,the snowline at the glacial period should be about 4 100 m.We infer that the glaciers developed at MIS-2 from their fresh landforms and the difference of the snowlines between glacial period and present.The contemporary snowline is calculated about 5 000 in high according to the local air temperature and precipitation,just above the top of the Jiuding Shan.So the Jiuding Shan of above 3 800 m is in a periglacial environment today,rock glacier,stone ring,and solifluction lobe developed well.There are no earlier glacial landforms and deposits in Jiuding Shan area,showing the conclusion that the mountains lower than 5 000 m in the east of Tibetan Plateau have glaciations only during the Last Glacial is correct.This is also a new evidence for the quick uplift of the Tibetan Plateau since Late Quaternary.
Keywords:Longmen Shan  Jiuding Shan  past glaciations  periglacial landforms
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