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Physical modeling of the cross-shore short-term evolution of protected and unprotected beach nourishments
Authors:M. Di Risio  I. Lisi  G.M. Beltrami  P. De Girolamo
Affiliation:1. DISAT-LIAM, University of L’Aquila, Engineering Faculty, P.le Pontieri, 1, 67040 Monteluco di Roio L’Aquila, Italy;2. ISPRA, Italian High Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Rome, Italy
Abstract:This paper illustrates the results of an experimental investigation (model-to-prototype length ratio equal to 12) carried out to reproduce the cross-shore evolution of nourished sandy beaches. New two-dimensional experiments were performed to study the short-term response of the cross-shore profile for both “soft” (unprotected) and “mixed” (protected by submerged breakwaters) beach fill projects. Due to the simplified reproduction of prototype conditions in a two-dimensional geometry, only cross-shore sediment transport is considered. The results are related to the immediate post-nourishment evolution and far from beach fill boundaries where long-shore gradients of long-shore sediment transport are likely to be negligible. Three different pseudo-random wave trains were generated in order to simulate both accretive and erosive conditions. A fourth wave train, characterised by time-varying incident wave spectrum was generated for the investigation of the beach response to simplified storm time evolution. Dimensionless experimental results are given in terms of wave parameters, key features of cross-shore profile evolution and sediment transport rates. Furthermore, being highly resolved in both time and space, experimental data are suitable for mathematical model validation. It was observed that submerged breakwater switches erosive conditions to slightly accretive, at least within the tested experimental range.
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