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引用本文:朱留果,何卫红,阮晓雨,陈天聪,杨可明. 基于WorldWind与无人机影像的三维场景重建与漫游研究[J]. 江苏测绘, 2012, 0(5): 48-50
作者姓名:朱留果  何卫红  阮晓雨  陈天聪  杨可明
作者单位:[1]淮北杨柳煤业有限公司,安徽淮北235000 [2]中国矿业大学北京地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京100083
摘    要:本文基于无人机低空遥感影像与拼接镶嵌处理结果,在WorldWind开源软件框架上,二次开发与实现了影像金字塔的构成过程与在NASAWorldWind中的快速实时显示,并结合数字高程信息(DEIM)、无人机飞行过程中的GPS定位信息与WorldWind中NLTLandsat7(VisibleColor)影像数据,建立了无人机遥感影像的实时三维地形重建与场景漫游系统。该系统为矿区地形分析与建设规划、灾区灾情监测与快速应急处理等提供了较好的应用平台。

关 键 词:W0rld  Wind  无人机  影像拼接  三维重建  场景漫游

Real-time 3D Visualization and Navigation of UAV Based on World Wind
ZHU Liu-guo,HE Wei-hong,RUAN Xiao-yu,CHEN Tian-cun,YANG Ke-ming. Real-time 3D Visualization and Navigation of UAV Based on World Wind[J]. Jiangsu Surveying and Mapping, 2012, 0(5): 48-50
Authors:ZHU Liu-guo  HE Wei-hong  RUAN Xiao-yu  CHEN Tian-cun  YANG Ke-ming
Affiliation:1 Guobei Coalmine, Huaibei Mining (Group) Co. Ltd. , Huaibei Anhui 235000, China; 2 China University of Mining Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract:In the paper, The authors accomplished the image pyramid processing and the fast real-time image display of the unmanned air vehicle(UAV) images by the secondary development based on the open source software of the NASA World Wind and the mosaicked UAV images, and then built the 3D real-time visualization and navigation system combined with the digital elevation model (DEM), the GPS information during the UVA flight and the NLT Landsat 7 (Visible Color) images in the World Wind. The system can provide a good application platform for the terrain analysis and construction planning in mining area, the damage monitoring and fast emergency treatment in disaster area and the likes.
Keywords:World Wind  UAV  image mosaic  3D visualization  scene navigation
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