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A coherency function model of ground motion at base rock corresponding to strike-slip fault
引用本文:丁海平,刘启方,金星,袁一凡. A coherency function model of ground motion at base rock corresponding to strike-slip fault[J]. 地震学报(英文版), 2004, 17(1): 64-69. DOI: 10.1007/BF03191396
作者姓名:丁海平  刘启方  金星  袁一凡
作者单位:Harbin Institute of Technology,Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Seismological Bureau,Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Seismological Bureau,Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Seismological Bureau Harbin 150001,China Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Seismological Bureau,Harbin 150080,China,Harbin 150080,China,Harbin 150080,China,Harbin 150080,China
基金项目:National Natural Science Foundation of China (59895410)
摘    要:IntroductionEarthquakedamagesurveyandresearchresultshavedemonstratedthatspatialdistributiondifferenceofgroundmotionisoneoftheimportantreasonswhichcausedlongstructure(eglongspanbridge,undergroundpipe)destroy.Thathowtoprovideareasonableinputofgroundmotionfieldforaseismicdesignoflongstructureisaurgentprobleminearthquakeengineeringfield.Atpresent,themethodtostudyspatialvariationofgroundmotionsisadoptingstatisticanalysisbasedondensearrayrecordssuchasSMART-1array,etc,togetcoherencyfunctionofground…

A coherency function model of ground motion at base rock corresponding to strike-slip fault
DING Hai-ping,) LIU Qi-fang) JIN Xing) YUAN Yi-fan) ) Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin ,China ) Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Seismological Bureau,Harbin ,China. A coherency function model of ground motion at base rock corresponding to strike-slip fault[J]. Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition), 2004, 17(1): 64-69. DOI: 10.1007/BF03191396
Authors:DING Hai-ping  ) LIU Qi-fang) JIN Xing) YUAN Yi-fan) ) Harbin Institute of Technology  Harbin   China ) Institute of Engineering Mechanics  China Seismological Bureau  Harbin   China
Affiliation:1. Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Seismological Bureau, Harbin 150080, China
2. Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Seismological Bureau, Harbin 150080, China
Abstract:At present, the method to study spatial variation of ground motions is statistic analysis based on dense array re-cords such as SMART-1 array, etc. For lacking of information of ground motions, there is no coherency function model of base rock and different style site. Spatial variation of ground motions in elastic media is analyzed by deterministic method in this paper. Taking elastic half-space model with dislocation source of fault, near-field ground motions are simulated. This model takes strike-slip fault and earth media into account. A coherency func-tion is proposed for base rock site.
Keywords:elastic media  spatial variation of ground motion  coherency function  strip-fault  stochastic vibration
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