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Reconnaissance paleomagnetism of Late Triassic blocks, Kuyul region, Northern Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
Authors:William Harbert   Sergei Sokolov   Maxim Alexutin   Kirill Krylov   Vladimir Grigoriev  Alexander Heiphetz  
Affiliation:aDepartment of Geology and Planetary Science, 200 SRCC, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA;bGeological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky lane 7, Moscow 109017, Russia;cAlex Heiphetz Group, State College, PA, USA
Abstract:The northernmost Kamchatka Peninsula is located along the northwestern margin of the Bering Sea and consists of complexly deformed accreted terranes. Progressing inland from the northwestern Bering Sea, the Olyutorskiy, Ukelayat and Koryak superterranes (OLY, UKL and KOR) are crossed. These terranes were accreted to the backstop Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic-plutonic belt (OChVB) in northernmost Kamchatka. A sedimentary sequence of Albian to Maastrichtian age overlaps the terranes and units of the Koryak superterrane, and constrains their accretion time. A paleomagnetic study of blocks within the Kuyul (KUY) terrane of the Koryak superterrane was completed at two localities (Camp 2: λ=61.83°N, φ=165.83°E and Camp 3: λ=61.67°N, φ=164.75°E). At both localities, paleomagnetic samples were collected from Late Triassic (225–208 Ma) limestone blocks (2–10 m in outcrop height) within a melange zone. Although weak in remanent magnetization, two components of remanent magnetization were observed during stepwise thermal demagnetization at 32 sites. The A component of magnetization was observed between room temperature and approximately 250 °C. This magnetic component is always of downward directed inclination and shows the best grouping at relatively low degrees of unfolding. Using McFadden–Reid inclination-only statistics and averaging all site means, the resulting A component mean is Iopt=60.3°, I95=5.0° and n=36 (sites). The B magnetic component is observed up to 565 °C, at which temperature, most samples have no measurable remanent magnetization, or growth of magnetic minerals has disrupted the thermal demagnetization process. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, where bedding orientation differs within a block, most of these sites show the best grouping of B component directions at 100% unfolding, and two of the blocks display remanent magnetizations of both upward and downward directed magnetic inclination. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, the resulting overall B component paleolatitude and associated uncertainty are λobs=30.4°N or S, λ95=8.9° and n=19 (sites). When compared with the expected North America paleolatitude of λAPWP expected=57.9°N, our data support a model in which blocks within the Koryak superterrane are allochthonous and far travelled.
Keywords:Paleomagnetism   Mesozoic   Terrane accretion   Kamchatka
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