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引用本文:王国亭,何东博,李易隆,蒋平,张喜,程立华,王丽娟. 吐哈盆地巴喀气田八道湾组致密砂岩储层分析及孔隙度演化定量模拟[J]. 地质学报, 2012, 86(11): 1847-1856. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0001-5717.2012.11.015
作者姓名:王国亭  何东博  李易隆  蒋平  张喜  程立华  王丽娟
基金项目:国家科技重大专项 ( 2010E-23 )
摘    要:在吐哈盆地巴喀气田八道湾组砂岩储层特征及控制因素分析的基础上,以地史时间和埋藏深度为变量,以现今孔隙度为约束条件,紧密结合埋藏阶段分析和关键成岩阶段窗口分析,分阶段建立了巴喀气田八道湾组储层从埋藏初始直至现今的孔隙度演化定量模型,动态体现了整个孔隙度演化过程.定量模拟结果表明:研究区储层总孔隙度演化是一个七段式分段函数,各个阶段孔隙度演化或遵循减小模型或遵循减小与增大的叠加模型;机械压实阶段的孔隙度减小模型是以埋深为自变量的函数,压实和胶结综合作用阶段则是以埋深和埋藏时间为变量的函数;孔隙增大模型适用于R.值范围为0.6%~1.0%的溶蚀作用窗口内;早期的纯机械压实作用使八道湾组储层已接近致密,溶蚀作用之前的压实和胶结综合作用导致储层致密化,而后期溶蚀作用仅在一定程度上提高了孔隙空间.

关 键 词:吐哈盆地  孔隙度演化  定量模拟  埋藏阶段  成岩作用  致密砂岩

Tight sands reservoir analysis and porosity-evolution quantitative simulation of Badaowan Formation in Baka gas field, Turpan-Hami Basin
WANG Guoting,HE Dongbo,LI Yilong,JIANG Ping,ZHANG Xi,CHENG Lihu,WANG Lijuan. Tight sands reservoir analysis and porosity-evolution quantitative simulation of Badaowan Formation in Baka gas field, Turpan-Hami Basin[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2012, 86(11): 1847-1856. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0001-5717.2012.11.015
Authors:WANG Guoting  HE Dongbo  LI Yilong  JIANG Ping  ZHANG Xi  CHENG Lihu  WANG Lijuan
Affiliation:Research institue of petroleum exploration and development
Abstract:Based on analysis of tight sands reservoir characteristics and cotrolling factors, two types of porosity decrease mathematical model and one type of porosity increase mathematical model in the study area were established by phases. With geological time and burial depth as variables, current porosity as boundary constraint conditions, burial stages and key diagenesis window analysis as basis, the whole porosity evolution process from initial burial until nowadays was divided into seven separate functions which repeated porosity evolution history of the study area dynamically. The quantitative simulation result indicates that: the porosity evolution of each stage follows porosity decrease model or superimposion model of two different types of porosity-evolution model; the variable of porosity decrease model of mechanical compaction stage is burial depth, while variables of compaction-cementation comprehensive stages are geological time and burial depth; porosity increase model is applicable within dissolution window which is identified by Ro from 0.6 to 1.0; the main reason reducing the porosity greatly is mechanical compaction, followed by compaction-cementation, dissolution improves pore space to some extent, and later compaction-cementation causes porosity decrease further until tight reservoir nowadays.
Keywords:Turpan-Hami Basin   porosity-evolution   quantitative simulation   burial stages   diagenesis   tight sands
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