Abstract: | The spontaneous and evoked activity of electroreceptors were electrophysiologically studied. The results are: 1. | The spontaneous discharge rate ranged from 15 to 85 imp/s with a mode of 50 imp/s for 126 organs of 18 animals. | 2. | By analysis of periodic histograms and interspike interval histograms of responses to sinusoidal electric stimulations, the frequency response characteristic was determined. The frequency response curve shows a band pass type, the band width ranged from 5 Hz to 30 Hz and the best frequency is around 15 Hz. | 3. | The thresholds of responses for 47 organs were measured by injection of sinusoidal current into the organs. The threshold values were less than 0.1nA (61μV/cm) for 35 organs (74%), and less than 0.01nA (6.1 μV/cm) for the rest of 9 organs (19%). | The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 380–386, 1991. |