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Organic Geochemistry of Sedimentary Rock-hosted Disseminated Gold Deposits in Southwestern Guizhou Province, China
Authors:BAO Zhiwei  ZHAO Zhenhua   Jayanta GUHA Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry  Chinese Academy of Sciences  Guangzhou  Guangdong  Chin
Affiliation:BAO Zhiwei,ZHAO Zhenhua and Jayanta GUHA Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou,Guangdong,Chin,Department of Applied Sciences,University of Quebec at Chicoutimi,Chicoutimi,P.Q.,GH B,Canada
Abstract:Abstract  Sedimentary rock‐hosted disseminated gold (SRHDG) deposits in the Youjiang‐Nanpanjiang Basin, southwestern Guizhou Province are commonly hosted by the same fold crests that commonly contain a remarkable amount of organic material. The total organic carbon (TOC) contents of the ores and host rocks are usually less than 1%. The reflectance of vitrinite and pyrobitumen in the ores and the host rocks ranges from 1.5% to 4.5%, often in the range of 2% to 3%. In the Lannigou deposit, the reflectance of vitrinite and pyrobitumen in the ores is usually somewhat higher than those within the host rocks, indicating a hydrothermal impact on the organic matter in the altered host rocks. On the contrary, the estimated maximum paleotemperatures of the Getang and Zimudang deposits are higher than the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions in the ores, signifying that the organic matter maturation predated Au mineralization. No correlation between the organic matter contents and Au concentrations were recognized in the ores. However, the most striking observation is that there is a positive correlation between the S2 (a parameter of Rock‐Eval analysis), Au and As contents of the ores in the Lannigou deposit. Organic matter maturation and migration is apparent from the TOC vs. HCI diagram. Furthermore, group analysis of the dichloromethane extractable organic component of the ores and host rocks shows that the maturation degree of the organic matter in the ores is slightly higher than that of the host rocks in the Lannigou gold deposit. However, the compositions of their alkanes, steranes and terpenes, which serve as biomarkers, are quite similar; this suggests that the organic matter found in the ores and host rocks has a common marine source. Organic matter probably contributed to the preconcentration of Au in the host rocks. Hydrocarbons in the system, on the other hand, clearly contributed to the emplacement of the gold mineralization through thermal sulfate reduction. Organic matter in the solution might have increased the potential of the hydrothermal solution to transport Au.
Keywords:organic matter  sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposit  geochemistry  Guizhou Province
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