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Hydrogen-model atmospheres for white dwarf stars
Authors:R. D. Rohrmann &dagger  
Affiliation:Observatorio Astronómico, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Laprida 854, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina
Abstract:We present a detailed calculation of model atmospheres for DA white dwarfs. Our atmosphere code solves the atmosphere structure in local thermodynamic equilibrium with a standard partial linearization technique, which takes into account the energy transfer by radiation and convection. This code incorporates recent improved and extended data base of collision-induced absorption by molecular hydrogen. We analyse the thermodynamic structure and emergent flux of atmospheres in the range 2500 T eff60 000 K and 6.5log  g 9.0. Bolometric correction and colour indices are provided for a subsample of the model grid. Comparison of the colours is made with published observational material and results of other recent model calculations.
Motivated by the increasing interest in helium-core white dwarfs, we analyse the photometric characteristics of these stars during their cooling, using evolutionary models recently available. Effective temperatures, surface gravities, masses and ages have been determined for some helium-core white dwarf candidates, and their possible binary nature is briefly discussed.
Keywords:stars: atmospheres    stars: fundamental parameters    white dwarfs
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