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Zoobenthos of Lake Uluabat,a Ramsar Site in Turkey,and Their Relationship with Environmental Variables
Authors:Seval Kökmen  Naime Arslan  Cansu Filik  Veysel Yilmaz
Affiliation:1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Meselik, Eskisehir, Turkey.;2. Department of Statistics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Meselik, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Abstract:The numerical and proportional distributions of zoobenthos in lake Uluabat, which is located in the Northwestern part of Turkey and having international importance according to the Ramsar Convention, were determined from August 2004 to July 2005 at monthly intervals (except for December 2004, January and February 2005) at 12 different stations. Thirty‐three taxonomic groups were recorded. It was found that the zoobenthos consisted of 35.6 % Oligochaeta, 27.7 % Nematoda, 12.3 % Chironomidae larvae, 10.7 % Gastropoda, 3.6 % Ostracoda, and 10.1 % Varia by numbers (Bivalvia, Ceratopogonidae, Hirudinea, Odonata, Ephemeroptera, Asilidae, Hydraacarina, Hemiptera, Argulidae, and Gammaridae). The average number of invertebrates was 160 individuals for 33 taxa at the 12 different stations. Also some environmental parameters of the lakewater were analyzed (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, NO2–N, NO3–N, NH3–N, PO4–3, fecal coliform, and total coliform). The relationships between the dynamics of the Oligochaeta and the physicochemical variables were supported by the Pearson correlation index and the canonical correspondence analysis (CANOCO). It was found that the relation between the average number of P. hammoniensis and P. albicola (p < 0.05, r = 0.590 and 0.593, respectively) and L. hoffmeisteri (p < 0.01, r = 0.777) was directly proportional while the relation between the average number of some taxa Trichodrillus sp., Rhyacodrilus coccineus, Nais communis, N. variabilis, and N. barbata and NO3–N (p < 0.05, r = –0.685) was inversely proportional.
Keywords:Oligochaeta  Water  Zoobenthos
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