摘 要: | The influences of vegetation on intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) were examined using the Community Atmosphere Model version 3 (CAM3).Two 15-year numerical experiments were completed:the first was performed with a realistic vegetation distribution (VEG run),and the second was identical to the VEG run except without land vegetation (NOVEG run).Generally speaking,CAM3 was able to reproduce the spatial distribution of the ISO,but the ISO intensity in the simulation was much weaker than that observed in nature:the ISO has a relatively much stronger signal.A comparison of the VEG run with the NOVEG run revealed that the presence of vegetation usually produces a weak ISO.The vegetation effects on ISO intensity were significant over West Africa and South Asia,especially in the summer half-year.Vegetation also plays an important role in modulating ISO propagation.The eastward propagation of the ISO in the VEG run was clearer than that in the NOVEG run over the West African and Maritime Continent regions.The northward propagation of the ISO in the VEG run was more consistent with observation than that in the NOVEG run.