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The Cretaceous and younger thermal history of the KTB site (Germany): apatite fission-track data from the Vorbohrung
Authors:D. A. Coyle  G. A. Wagner  E. Hejl  R. Brown  P. Van den Haute
Affiliation:Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Postfach 103980, D-68029 Heidelberg, Germany, DE
La Trobe University, Australia, AU
Abstract:A detailed fission-track analysis was carried out on 41 apatite samples from the 4001-m-deep pilot hole of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB). The investigations include dating by the population method and length measurements of horizontal confined tracks. Age and length information indicate that all samples above the present-day partial annealing zone cooled from temperatures above 120?°C in the Cretaceous. The top two kilometres of the profile show less variation of age with depth than was expected. Modelling of the profile indicates that the distribution of fission track ages with depth requires that the profile was disturbed during or after cooling through the partial annealing zone. Modelling of individual samples reveals that at least the upper 2?km experienced reverse faulting, effectively thickening the upper part of the rock column by up to 1000?m in the Tertiary. A present-day partial annealing zone for apatite was observed between 2000 and 4000?m (~60–110?°C). This confirms earlier in situ observations of the position of the partial annealing zone.
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