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Google Earth遥感影像在海籍调查与测量中的应用研究——以北部湾沿海为例
引用本文:王增军,;韦江玲,;王宁娜. Google Earth遥感影像在海籍调查与测量中的应用研究——以北部湾沿海为例[J]. 测绘与空间地理信息, 2014, 0(8): 122-124
作者姓名:王增军,  韦江玲,  王宁娜
作者单位:[1] 国家海洋局北海海洋环境监测中心站,广西北海536000; [2] 广西山口红树林生态自然保护区管理处,广西北海536000; [3] 广西国土资源信息中心,广西南宁530023
摘    要:
用Google Earth遥感影像数据作为切入点,以广西北部湾沿海为例,利用RTK进行外业测量,探讨了GE遥感影像应用在海籍调查工作中的可行性,得出在GIS校正配准下的遥感影像是完全可以应用于北部湾海域的海籍调查与测量的要求。

关 键 词:海籍调查  遥感  Google Earth  测量  北部湾

Study onthe Sea Area Use Registigating and Surveying Based on Google Earth Remote Sensing Image
Affiliation:WANG Zeng-jun, WEI Jiang-ling, WANG Ning-na ( 1. Beihai Marine Environmental Monitoring Center Station of State Oceanic Administration , Beihai 536000, China; 2. Shankou National Mangrove Ecosystem Nature Reserve Administration of Guangxi, Beihai 536000, China; 3. Information Center of Land and Resources of Guangxi, Nanning 530023, China)
In this paper , Guangxi Beibu Gulf Coast as an example ,, the author use the Google earth remote sensing image data as a the breakthrough point , has been measured by RTK ,discussing the feasibility of application of GE remote sensing image in the sea area use registigating , the correction in the GIS remote sensing image registration is completely can be applied to the waters of the northern Gulf investigation and measurement of sea .
Keywords:the sea area use registigating  remote sensing image  Google Earth  Beibu Gulf
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