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The physical and infrared spectral properties of CO2 in astrophysical ice analogs
Authors:Sandford S A  Allamandola L J
Affiliation:NASA/Ames Research Center, USA.
Both laboratory measurements and theory indicate that CO2 should be a common component in interstellar ices. We show that the exact band position, width, and profile of the solid-state 12CO2 infrared bands near 3705, 3600, 2340, and 660 cm-1 (2.70, 2.78, 4.27, and 15.2 micrometers) and the 13CO2 band near 2280 cm-1 (4.39 micrometers) are dependent on the matrix in which the CO2 is frozen. Measurements of these bands in astronomical spectra can be used to determine column densities of solid-state CO2 and provide important information on the physical conditions present in the ice grains of which the CO2 is a part. Depending on the composition of the ice, the CO2 asymmetric stretching band was observed to vary from 2328.7 to 2346.0 cm-1 and have full widths at half-maxima (FWHMs) ranging from 4.7 to 29.9 cm-1. The other CO2 bands showed similar variations. Both position and width are also concentration dependent. Absorption coefficients were determined for the five CO2 bands. These were found to be temperature independent for CO2 in CO and CO2 matrices but varied slightly with temperature for CO2 in H2O-rich ices. For all five bands this variation was found to be less than 15% from 10 to 150 K, the temperature at which H2O ice sublimes. A number of parameters associated with the physical behavior of CO2 in CO2- and H2O-rich ices were also determined. The CO2-CO2 surface binding energy in pure CO2 ices is found to be (delta Hs/k) = 2690 +/- 50 K. CO2-H2O and CO-H2O surface binding energies were determined to be (delta Hs/k) = 2860 +/- 200 K and 1740 +/- 100 K, respectively. Under our experimental conditions, CO2 condenses in measurable quantities into H2O-rich ices at temperatures up to 100 K, only slightly higher than the temperature at which pure CO2 condenses. Once frozen into an H2O-rich ice, the subsequent loss of CO2 upon warming is highly dependent on concentration. For ices with H2O/CO2 > 20, the CO is physically trapped within the H2O lattice, and little CO2 is lost until the sublimation temperature of the H2O matrix is reached. In contrast, in ices having H2O/CO2 < 5, the CO2 remains only to temperatures of about 90 K. Above this point the CO2 readily diffuses out of the H2O matrix. These results suggest that two different forms of H2O lattice are produced. The implications of these data for cometary models and our understanding of cometary formation are considered.
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