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Joint two-dimensional observations of ground magnetic and ionospheric electric fields associated with auroral zone currents: Current systems associated with local auroral break-ups
Authors:W. Baumjohann  R.J. Pelunen  H.J. Opgenoorth  E. Nielsen
Affiliation:1. Institut für Geophysik der Universität Münster, Gievenbecker Weg 61, D-4400 Münster, Fed. Rep. Germany;2. Finnish Meteorological Institute, Div. of Geomagnetism. Box 503, SF-00101 Helsinki 10, Finland;3. Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie, Postfach 20, D-3411 Katlenburg-Lindau 3, Fed. Rep. Germany
On 15 February, 1977, ground magnetic, ionospheric electric and auroral signatures of a multiple onset substorm were observed simultaneously by the Scandinavian Magnetometer Array (SMA), the Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment (STARE) and the Finnish all-sky camera chain. Between 21:00 and 21:30 U.T., i.e. around local magnetic midnight, three consecutive local auroral break-ups were observed over Scandinavia. Each of these break-ups was preceded by a clear fading of the aurora and magnetic fields (while the electric fields remained unaffected), and occurred slightly south of the Harang discontinuity in the region of north-westward-directed electric fields. They were associated with a sudden change in direction of the electric field from north-west to south-west and the appearance of a westward equivalent current in the localized active region (about 1200 × 300 km2). These observations matched the features to be expected during the generation of a Cowling channel by a strong increase of the ionospheric conductivities due to precipitating auroral electrons. Numerical model calculations, based on the observations during the initial brightening and peak development of the second, most conspicuous break-up, show that the field-aligned currents at the northern and southern border of the active region are indeed very weak. However, highly localized and intense upward field-aligned currents at the western edge of the active region and more widespread and less intense downward currents in the eastern half preserve current continuity of the westward Cowling current and complete the substorm current wedge.
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