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引用本文:何建邦,李新通. 对地理信息分类编码的认识与思考[J]. 地理与地理信息科学, 2002, 18(3): 1-7
作者姓名:何建邦  李新通
基金项目:国家自然科学基金课题 (698962 5 0 -4 ),国家“十五”科技攻关项目“中国可持续发展信息共享系统研究与开发”(2 0 0 1BA60 8B-0 1-0 2 ),中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (kzcx2 -3 0 8-0 2 )
摘    要:面向GIS的地理信息分类编码是在概念水平上解决空间信息分层组织与属性数据库结构设计的重要方法。该文从地理实体、地理数据与地理信息概念角度 ,探讨地理信息分类编码对象的本质特征 ;简要分析大多数商品化GIS软件中属性数据的表达方式 ,指出地理信息分类编码实质上是从GIS数据组织的概念层次上对属性信息的分类分级 ;提出地理信息分类粒度概念 ,并建立地理信息分类模型 ,列举了在不同视图下的粗粒地理信息分类方案和代码用途 ;提出并讨论地理信息分类编码尚待进一步研究的问题 ,以及国内长期以来难以形成地理信息分类标准的原因。

关 键 词:地理信息  分类模型  分类粒度  编码方法

Research on the Ontology of Geographic Information Classification and Coding
HE Jian bang,LI Xin tong. Research on the Ontology of Geographic Information Classification and Coding[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2002, 18(3): 1-7
Authors:HE Jian bang  LI Xin tong
Abstract:In conceptual level, the GIS-oriented geographic information classification and coding offers an important solution in the geospatial data coverage arrangement and structure construction of attribute data file. This paper explores the ontology of the classification objects from the view of geographic entity, geographic data, geographic information, and the procession model of attribute data storage, and manipulation in most popular commercial GIS software. The paper also shows the nature of geographic information classification and coding, base on the semantic structure of attribute data, establishes the granularity and model of geographic information classification, gives two classification outcomes as examples base on the different viewpoints of classification, the use of the code. Finally, the paper outlines the further work on this domain, and discusses some aspects of reasons concerning the difficulties of widely recognized geographic information classification coding outcome.
Keywords:geographic information  classification model  granularity of classification  coding method
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