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引用本文:张元元,杨国东,王凤艳. 丹麦法稳健估计在隧道椭圆拟合中的应用[J]. 世界地质, 2012, 31(1): 199-203
作者姓名:张元元  杨国东  王凤艳
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41072196); 吉林大学基本科研业务费项目(200903045)联合资助
摘    要:隧道断面在设计时为一标准圆形,受到施工及外部环境的影响变形为偏心率很小的椭圆。减小粗差影响、精确确定椭圆的几何参数是其研究的重点。通过对上海某一隧道断面的测量试验,得出用丹麦法稳健估计可以有效减小粗差的影响,而且拟合值可以很好地逼近无粗差情况下的最小二乘拟合值。采用Matlab 语言实现算法,并详细介绍了用二项式变换求解椭圆参数的方法。

关 键 词:最小二乘  稳健估计  丹麦法  椭圆拟合  二项式变换

Application of Danish robust estimation in tunnel ellipse fitting
ZHANG Yuan-yuan , YANG Guo-dong , WANG Feng-yan. Application of Danish robust estimation in tunnel ellipse fitting[J]. Global Geology, 2012, 31(1): 199-203
Authors:ZHANG Yuan-yuan    YANG Guo-dong    WANG Feng-yan
Affiliation:College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology,Jilin University,Changchun 130026,China
Abstract:The tunnel section is designed as a standard circle.However it is changed to an ellipse with small eccentricity when the section was affected by construction and external environment.Reductian the influence of gross errors and accurately computing the geometrical parameters of the ellipse are the focus of study.Through the survey of a tunnel in Shanghai,the authors conclude that using Danish robust estimation can not only reduce the effects of cross errors,but also get a good approximation in case of no gross errors using least-squares methord.Algorithm is writen in Matlab language and gives the method of solving ellipse parameters by binomial transformation.
Keywords:least square  robust estimation  Danish method  ellipse fitting  binomial transformation
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