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Triangle based interpolation
Authors:D. F. Watson and G. M. Philip
Affiliation:(1) Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Sydney, 2006 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Abstract:Triangle based interpolation is introduced by an outline of two classical planar interpolation methods, viz. linear triangular facets and proximal polygons. These are shown to have opposite local bias. By applying cross products of triangles to obtain local gradients, a method designated ldquoslant-top proximal polygon interpolationrdquo is introduced that is intermediate between linear facets and polygonal interpolation in its local bias. This surface is not continuous, but, by extending and weighting the gradient planes, a C1surface can be obtained. The gradients also allow a roughness index to be calculated for each data point in the set. This index is used to control the shape of a blending function that provides a weighted combination of the gradient planes and linear interpolation. This results in a curvilinear, C1,interpolation of the data set that is bounded by the linear interpolation and the weighted gradient planes and is tangent to the slant-top interpolation at the data points. These procedures may be applied to data with two, three, or four independent variables.
Keywords:data analysis  triangulation  Delaunay  Voronoi  contouring  scattered data  linear interpolation  polygonal interpolation  curvilinear interpolation  gradient
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