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Assessment of groundwater resources of Quaternary aquifer system in concordance with avoidable negative impact on geoenvironment,south-eastern part of Lithuania
Authors:A. Stuopis  R. Mokrik  M. Gregorauskas  A. Marcinonis
Affiliation:1.Vilnius University,Vilnius,Lithuania;2.Vilnius Hydrogeology Ltd.,Vilnius,Lithuania;3.GROTA Ltd.,Vilnius,Lithuania
This paper focuses upon south-eastern Lithuanian Quaternary aquifer system groundwater resources formation modelling. Groundwater model calibration has been performed for a pre-development and transient flow conditions. The results demonstrate that there is an intense interaction between groundwater and surface water bodies which form groundwater resources and runoff. For Quaternary cover the majority of unconfined groundwater outflows to surface water streams, the remaining part discharges through the confined interglacial/interstadial aquifers and lateral outflows across the boundaries. Groundwater prognostic exploitable resources can be obtained without a significant negative impact on the geoenvironment. The main sources of exploitable resources formation are increase in groundwater recharge and lateral inflow (40.7%), decreased outflow via streams and lateral boundaries (41.2%) and drawing up additional flow from the hydraulically connected streams (14.5%).
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