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Analysis on the stability of triangular points in the perturbed photogravitational restricted three-body problem with variable masses
Authors:Jagadish Singh  Oni Leke  Umar Aishetu
Affiliation:1.Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria,Nigeria
This paper examines the effect of a constant κ of a particular integral of the Gylden-Meshcherskii problem on the stability of the triangular points in the restricted three-body problem under the influence of small perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces, together with the effects of radiation pressure of the bigger primary, when the masses of the primaries vary in accordance with the unified Meshcherskii law. The triangular points of the autonomized system are found to be conditionally stable due to κ. We observed further that the stabilizing or destabilizing tendency of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces is controlled by κ, while the destabilizing effects of the radiation pressure remain unchanged but can be made strong or weak due to κ. The condition that the region of stability is increasing, decreasing or does not exist depend on this constant. The motion around the triangular points L 4,5 varying with time is studied using the Lyapunov Characteristic Numbers, and are found to be generally unstable.
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