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Low-Temperature Eclogites and Eclogitic Schists in Mn-rich Metabasites in Ward Creek, California; Mn and Fe Effects on the Transition between Blueschist and Eclogite
Authors:OH, CHANG W.   LIOU, J. G.   MARUYAMA, S.
Affiliation:1Department of Geology, Stanford University Stanford, California 94305
2Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, University of Tokyo at Komaba Tokyo 153, Japan
In situ eclogitic schist lenses occur in the coherent low-gradeepidote-zone Ward Creek metabasite unit of the Central Franciscanbelt. They contain almandine garnet, clinopyroxene, and rutile.They have slightly higher Mn content (0–5–1–0wt.%) than the coexisting Type III metabasites (0–12–0–25wt%) which contain epidote + glaucophane + actinolite + chlorite+ omphacite + quartz + sphene ? aragonite? lawsonite ? pumpellyite+ albite. The in situ eclogitic schists (130–140 Ma) canbe distinguished from older tectonic eclogites (150–160Ma) in Ward Creek as follows: (1) they are medium grained, whereasType IV tectonic eclogites are coarse grained; (2) they haveunaltered spessartine-rich idioblastic (0–4–10 mm)garnets, whereas Type IV tectonic eclogites have larger xenoblasticto hypidiomorphic spessartine-poor garnets which were corrodedand chloritized along the rim during retrograde metamorphism;(3) clinopyroxenes are chloromelanite in in situ eclogitic schistsbut omphacite in Type IV tectonic eclogites; (4) barroisiticamphiboles occur both as inclusions in garnets and as matrixminerals in Type IV tectonic eclogites but not in in situ eclogiticschists; (5) albite is present in in situ eclogitic schistsbut not in Type IV tectonic eclogites; and (6) the estimatedP-T condition of in situ eclogitic schists is 290 ?C < T<350 ?C, P = 8–9 kb, whereas that of Ward Creek Type IVtectonic eclogites is 500?C< r<540?C, P< 10–11–5kb. Medium-grained eclogites occur as individual blocks in WardCreek; they are different from Type IV tectonic eclogites butare very similar to in situ eclogitic schists. They have unalteredidioblastic garnet with high almandine and spessartine content(Alm47Sp23Gr20Py10), and they have chloromel-anitic clinopyroxeneand quartz but no barroisite. Paragonite is also stable in theseeclogites. The blocks formed at 380 ?C< r<400?C, and 9–5kbin situ eclogites formedat the highest-temperature part of the Ward Creek metabasiteunit and may be younger than Type IV tectonic eclogites. Such low-temperature occurrences of eclogitic assemblages aredue to the compositional effect on reactions between blueschistand eclogite that are insensitive to pressure and shift towardslower temperatures as bulk-rock MnO content and XFe/(Fe+Mg)increase. The Mn/(Mn + Fe) ratio of bulk rock is an importantfactor in controlling the P-T positions of these reactions attemperatures below 450 ?C, whereas the Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio ofbulk-rock becomes important at temperatures higher than 450?C.
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