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引用本文:Е А Козловский,汤凤林. 当代世界的矿产资源[J]. 地质科技情报, 2000, 19(1): 35-40
作者姓名:Е А Козловский  汤凤林
摘    要:论述了最近50年来世界矿产资源供求关系的变化和现状,着重讨论了独联体国家、北美地区西欧国家、中欧和东欧国家、日本、澳大利亚和南非共和国、欧佩克国家的矿产资源情况。俄罗斯仍是矿产资源大国,但矿山开采工业每况愈下,许多矿种没有清楚的探明储量。独联体一些国家某些矿种储量大,但没有维持经济正常发展的其它矿种。美国的某些矿种储量大,但其它矿种不足,例如石油、天然气、煤、铝、铜、铅、锌、锡、镍、钴、钨等需求量

关 键 词:当代世界  矿产资源  供需关系

E A Kozlovsky. MINERAL RESOURCES IN WORLD TODAY[J]. Geological Science and Technology Information, 2000, 19(1): 35-40
Authors:E A Kozlovsky
Abstract:Changes in supply and demand relations of world mineral resources that have taken place for the last 50 years and their modern situation are discussed in this paper,with a detailed account of mineral resources in countries of CIS,North America,Western Europe,Middle and East Europe,Japan,Australia,Republic of South Africa and countries of OPEK.After disintergration of former USSR Russia retains a powerful country of mineral resources, but it's mining and extracting industry is getting worse and worse and there are not many useful minerals with enough number of demonstrated reserves in it.In some countries of CIS certain useful minerals have a large number of reserves,but there not ones necessary for normal development of economy there.There are enough number of reserves of some useful minerals,but lack of the ones in USA.They take the 1 st place in demanding of oil,gas,coal,aluminum,copper,lead,zinc,tin,nickel,cobalt and tungsten.Industrial production of Western European countries takes 40% of that in developed countries,but the rare metals,manganese,molybedenum,cobalt,plotinum,chromium,tin,nickel,tungsten,gold and oil are imported.Peculiarities of mineral deposits in Middle and East European countries are of small dimension and bad quality,and the necessary mineral resources are imported,first of all from Russia.Japan is a poor country in mineral resources and takes the first place in the world regarding to the import of coal,ferrum,manganese and chromium ores,aluminum,nickel,cobalt,lead and zinc concentrates and the second place (after USA) of oil,gas,uranium and kalium fertilizer.Australia and Republic of South Africa are the largest mineral resources states among industrial developed countries and can export a large number of coal,ferrum,manganese and chromium ores,lead,zinc,titanium,uranium,diamond and gold.Countries of OPEK are rich in oil reserves and can export a large number of oil,and their reserves can be extracted for tens and hundreds of years.
Keywords:modern world  mineral resource  supply and demand relation
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