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Early generation of 20S-5α(H),14α(H),17α(H)- and 5α(H),14β(H),17β(H)-steranes in low salinity lacustrine shales
Authors:Maowen Li   Steve R. Larter  Bowen Mei
Abstract:A quantitative sterane biomarker study was conducted on a series of paralic freshwater lacustrine shale samples ranging in maturity from immature to near oil window maturity taken from Section 3 of the Shahejie Formation (Es3) in the Liaohe Basin, N.E. China. Concentrations of 5α(H),14α(H),17α(H)-20S and 5α(H),14β(H),17β(H)-steranes remain nearly constant throughout the sample suite. However, the decrease in the absolute concentrations of the 20R-5α(H),14α(H),17α(H)-C29 steranes with increasing maturity results in an increase in the conventionally defined maturity parameters, 20S/(20S + 20R)-ααα and αββ/(ααα + αββ) sterane ratios. In addition, the data suggest that relatively early generation of 5α(H),14α(H),17α(H)-20S and 5α(H),14β(H),17β(H)-steranes has occurred in lacustrine sediments with a vitrinate reflectance 0.3% (Ro). The data provide strong support for the major importance of relative thermal stability of epimers, but do not exclude the possibility of isomerization as a viable mechanism for production.
Keywords:20S isomers   biomarkers   immature sediments   sterane diagenesis   Liaohe Basin   lacustrine environment
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