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Migration behaviour of river ganga between Allahabad and Buxar using remotely sensed data
Authors:S K Jain  Tanvear Ahmad
Affiliation:1. National Institute of Hydrology, 247 667, Roorkee
Abstract:Channel migration includes any change of river channel geometry within the context of the cross-section, pattern or network in a drainage basin. To study the dynamic behaviour of a river, measurements taken with conventional ground-based instruments are time-consuming and expensive. Remote sensing techniques are capable of providing a measure of surface variability including dynamic behaviour of channels, reasonably quickly due to availability of the repetitive remotely-sensed data. These data are well suited for the assessment and monitoring of dynamic changes on the surface of the earth. In the present study Landsat MSS and TM data of winter season in the form of false colour composites (FCC) of years 1982 and 1987 were used for the delineation of river Ganga course lying between Allahabad and Buxar. The interpretation of satellite data was carried out using visual interpretation technique for the assessment of channel migration. The shift in river banks delineated from satellite data were measured with respect to river banks identified from topographical base map. The maximum shift observed in mid channel is 4. 55 km while maximum left and right banks shifts are 4.6 and 4.8 km, respectively.
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