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Stability of streambanks formed in partially saturated soils and effects of negative pore water pressures: the Sieve River (Italy)
Authors:Massimo Rinaldi  Nicola Casagli
Affiliation:a Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Università degli Studi di Firenze, via S. Marta 3, 50139 Firenze, Italy;b Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Firenze, via La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy
Abstract:Streambanks of alluvial channels are usually composed of loose materials, which are unsaturated in ambient conditions. Unsaturated soils are subject to negative pore water pressures, which cause an apparent cohesion. The latter is the main factor in allowing the stability of near-vertical banks. Even during moderate in-bank flow events, the apparent cohesion can be strongly reduced as the material approaches full saturation; therefore, during the drawdown phase, as the confining pressure of the water in the channel disappears, a bank failure is likely to occur. Channel bed-level lowering along the Sieve River, Central Italy, has caused widespread bank instability. A geomorphological reconnaissance of forms and processes was followed by in situ tests to determine the shear strength of the banks. Interpretation of the tests and a streambank stability analysis were based on concepts of soil mechanics for unsaturated soils, in order to obtain relations between bank angle and height in limit equilibrium conditions. A stability chart was obtained with curves for different apparent cohesion values, and a stability analysis was performed taking into account the effects of flow events. In order to investigate the pore pressure effects, a series of piezo-tensiometers were installed in a streambank of the Sieve River. Data from a 1 year monitoring period show variations in pore water pressure and matric suction as a consequence of rainfall, evapotranspiration, and water stage variations. A planar failure with a tension crack occurred in the upper cohesive part of the bank during December 1996. The safety factor has been expressed as a function of the geometry of the bank and of the shear strength of the material. Safety factor variations through time are therefore shown as a function of seasonal variations in matric suction.
Keywords:streambank stability   monitoring of pore water pressure   unsaturated streambank   matric suction   apparent cohesion   Sieve River, Italy
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