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引用本文:陈秀琼,黄福才. 中国入境旅游的区域差异特征分析[J]. 地理学报, 2006, 61(12): 1271-1280. DOI: 10.11821/xb200612004
作者姓名:陈秀琼  黄福才
摘    要:采用可以多层次分解的Theil系数测量1990~2004年我国入境旅游时间尺度上的地带间、地带内和省际差异变化状况。结果表明,1990~2004年中国入境旅游省际差异逐渐缩小,变化速度变缓;地带内差异大于地带间差异,地带内差异是构成省际差异的主要因素,特别是东部地带内差异是我国入境旅游区域差异的主要贡献者。总体上看,中国入境旅游省际差异20世纪90年代初居高不下,90年代中期急剧缩小,21世纪初持续下降,并有小幅波动;地带间差异除1991年和2003年急剧上升外,其余年份持续下降;东部地带内差异较大,但差异迅速缩小,中部地带内差异居高不下,变化明显,西部地带内差异较小,波动不明显。结合中国区域经济差异的时空变化进行比较研究,有两个有意义的发现:一是入境旅游区域差异逐渐缩小和经济差异逐渐加大的发展方向刚好是相反的。研究结果验证了发展入境旅游可以起到调整区域经济差异的作用,能起到缩小区域经济发展差距的作用。二是中国入境旅游地带间差异逐渐缩小,而中国区域经济差异地带间差异却逐渐扩大,说明入境旅游在缩小地带间差异方面也发挥一定的作用。

关 键 词:旅游区域差异  时空变化  Theil指数  入境旅游  中国

Temporal Change of Regional Disparity in Chinese Inbound Tourism
CHEN Xiuqiong,HUANG Fucai. Temporal Change of Regional Disparity in Chinese Inbound Tourism[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(12): 1271-1280. DOI: 10.11821/xb200612004
Authors:CHEN Xiuqiong  HUANG Fucai
Affiliation:School of Management, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
Abstract:Tourism is acknowledged as one of the effective means to balance inter-regional economic disparity in the world. This paper uses Theil coefficient which can be decomposed multiply, to measure temporal changes of inter-provincial, inter-regional and intra-regional disparity in Chinese inbound tourism from 1990 to 2004. Just as the result suggests, regional gap in Chinese inbound tourism from 1990 to 2004 can be summarized as follows: First, on the whole, regional disparity in Chinese tourism becomes smaller and smaller and its speed is slower as well. Secondly, intra-regional disparity is larger than that of inter-regional. Intra-regional disparity is the main contributor to inter-provincial tourism disparity. Thirdly, inter-provincial disparity remains large in the early 1990s, shrinks sharply in the mid-1990s, and continues declining in the early 21st century. Fourthly, inter-regional disparity shrinks all the time except in 1991 and 2003. Fifthly, eastern intra-regional disparity decreases sharply. Western intra-regional disparity is smaller and fluctuates slightly. Middle intra-regional disparity keeps large and has increasing trends. This paper further analyzes the factors influencing temporal changes of regional inbound tourism disparity. By comparison with other researches on temporal changes of regional economy, this paper has two meaningful discoveries: one is based on the shrinking trends of regional inbound tourism disparity and the widening trends of regional economic disparity. We think our research provides a good proof that tourism can help to balance regional economic disparity and thus help to narrow the regional economic gap. The other is that Chinese inter-regional tourism disparity becomes smaller and smaller. However, in the meantime Chinese inter-regional economic disparity becomes larger and larger. So inbound tourism can also help to balance inter-regional economic disparity.
Keywords:regional tourism disparity   temporal-spatial change   Theil Index   inbound tourism   China
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